“Jung has done in the twentieth century A.D. what the Hindus did in perhaps the eighth century B.C.; he has discovered empirically the existence of an immortal soul in man, dwelling outside time and space, which can actually be experienced. This soul Jung, like the Hindus, calls the "self"... [which is] extremely difficult to describe in words. Hence his "self" is as hard to grasp as the Indian atman.” ~ Robert Charles Zaehner How can a human being truly understand duality if it operates solely from within duality? Can a fish understand water while in it? If there is nothing beyond duality, then this article is mute, D.O.A. It will serve no purpose other than, perhaps the horrifying possibility that it may give rise to another religion whose ignorance overlooks such self-evident knowledge by default. A belief in the transcendence of dualism, without any proof to substantiate or even attempt explanation of its existence is tantamount to cheap and meaningless pseudo-spirituality forged in a cult and cauldron of personality. Tell the fish about the world of air above the water and they scoff, laugh, mock, sneer, and swarm. For our collective protection, only duality is permissible as an acceptable reality, and hammered through one thick skull after another NIGHT and DAY. It is taught MORNING and EVE in all the world’s GOOD and EVIL religions, RICH and POOR schools, BIG and SMALL universities, governments (LEFT and RIGHT), and is the thought-controlling insurmountable law, which binds the minds of men eternally without compromise, nor recompense. It is the Pharisees’ LAW by which no human is allowed to transcend under penalty of death, either intellectual, spiritual or physical. There can be no unity of self while in such a dualistic incarceration and internment camp. Even God himself is chained to it—lessened of such imaginative omniscience to satisfy the surety and certainty of the sense-based thinker. The authorities (senses) have barred the gates. The way is shut, and the dead (dualists) keep it. The priesthood of duality stands at the gates of oblivion (self-savior-ship); to hold back those who just might dare to pass. You shall not pass! Suffer the staff with beatings should you inquire as to a nature beyond the ordinary dualist-minded prison colony. True nature is not a super nature (supernatural), but rather a quiet one which explains why no one hears it! It is a still nature which explains why no one sees it! It cannot be heard nor seen with any faculty that we mere human beings possess—otherwise known as ‘the senses.’ It does not respond to stimuli nor react to experiments or measurements. It is not quantifiable, nor can it be weighed. But it is there none the less. Simply because something is invisible, doesn’t mean it is nonexistent. Emerson, Blake, Whitman, Russell, and even Jung have hinted at its reality. For example: How would a man weigh his knowledge? By the very quarantine zone of empiricism erected by the dualists, knowledge must by right be a measurable commodity within the psyche of man. Some men have a great deal more than others, yet it is NOT measurable. It cannot be extracted, put on a scale and weighed by the pound. There is no standard test to prove nor show conclusively otherwise. The same goes for love. To think such immesuarable qualities as measurable, proposes madness as intelligence. To think of them as “non-existent” also amounts to madness. Madness will always be madness until the light of knowledge may expel such odorous fumes of mental midgetry. Ignorance of existence beyond mere dualism breeds contempt for such familiarity to a true thinker. What the authorities champion, the wise cast aside. Lesser minds should not hinder one’s own desire for progression. To ask the question defeats the answer if you don’t seek to know the answer. Eventually, if one contemplates long enough, one must conclude that dualism is a necessary and unfortunate limitation to one’s potential. Us vs. them. Right vs. wrong. Up vs. down. Left vs. right. Evil vs. good. Consciousness vs. unconsciousness. The man who knows polarity (opposites) and only polarity (opposites) is dealing in absolutes. He is a Sith Lord. Refuse the middle at your own risk. It doesn’t make the phenomenon of the fulcrum non-existent by such a refusal. One sees the moving guitar string yet fails to notice the two controlling fulcrums on which the string itself vibrates, the shaft upon which the wheel turns or the doorjamb upon which the door swings. He would even deny the fulcrum of his very own self—the resting place and driver’s seat of the body, mind and soul. If genius and its knowledge were owed to schools, courses would be taught on genius. Genius therefor, belongs to something of an entirely different nature and cause. It does not come from books. It comes from within the mind and not the outer dualistic world, lest it would be cheapened and sold on every fucking street corner by every knowledge hooker and pimp on earth. If there be no new knowledge, what then is the point to the human being? Humanity would not progress whatsoever. And that is a horrifyingly dismal thought. What can be said of the mind if it is not the brain alone, neither right nor left in hemisphere? All the textbooks in the world are useless if they serve only intellectual conformity. You may read them all and still be unable to grasp new knowledge. Parroting, repeating and remembering is not knowledge, thus ‘learning by Rote’ as a process is rendered inert. The application in one’s life regarding self-expression, is an integration of information within the very unique quality of self-knowledge often resulting in originality, authenticity and true transformational progress. If the mind be tangible as in an object, then cutting off some part of the human body should affect the knowledge of the human. Perhaps in the criminal, you may find this reaction true concerning the thinking and thoughts of a human. Steal a loaf of bread, cut off a hand and the lesson is learned—the behavior is changed. In the babe, touch the hot stove—never touch it again. But in a man or woman of principle, how many were burned at the stake, drawn and quartered and yet NEVER recanted their knowledge to the agents of such barbarous and torturous conformity? Recant Giordano! Or else! Though they were put to death, their knowledge went with them intact. Some were made martyrs and others called mystics—a multitude of others forgotten. But the effect they had on the living lasted and persists in many cases. These great ones were indeed the challengers of the status-duo. For what is the trivium but where three roads meet? Duality and YOU. But there is no YOU is DUAL. I do not play games with words, but to convey such an idea, one must write and speak in order to communicate. Lao Tzu, the Chinese mystic said “he who knows doesn’t say; he who says doesn’t know.” I’M GLAD HE “SAID” THAT. He violated his own knowledge and wisdom to provide knowledge and wisdom in his Dao. Now that’s a bugger! No point I make in this writing should cause you to build frames and scaffolding in your mind. If they have, then I have failed. TEAR THEM ALL DOWN! Think for yourself or don’t think at all. Enter triality. The middle aspect. The narrow path least chosen, or rather least noticed in this example. If a balance be not centered by a fulcrum, how could it measure weight at all? Would the pendulum swing without a non-moving prime actuality? Could a human body, an animal, a plant or even mineral operate at all? Always forgotten, overlooked and unrecognized is the center—that which does not move and what primitive man called the invisible God, in alchemy the prima materia, the vesica Pisces, Philosopher’s stone or savior child (the one). The most obvious place from which all motion springs if one recognized the stillness which begets all motions—even in this seeming duality. The hemispheres couldn’t be without the division of a center point being the start and finish of all motions. You need more proof? Hold a seed in your hand. Every fucking bit of proof that a unity must divide in two directions of motion to exhibit what we call life and death is there to be beheld. Both are contained in the seed—the root and the tree both—its very life and death! Without division of the seed, NOTHING CAN GROW. You as a fetus rooted to your mother’s placenta for example. Your two halves dividing over and over again from the center outward, becoming limbs, hands, arms, eyes, ears—all in divine symmetry, mirroring the invisible within the seed itself (notwithstanding deformities and the like). Seed is the evidence of the proof of mind as a priori (cause). Art as knowledge expressed. Knowledge cannot be born from motion nor division. For motion and division are the gatekeepers of true knowledge where fear dare not tread. Fear is a tourniquet of the soul and its underlying desire for expression. Fear is but one more acceptance of duality as being the insurmountable ‘end all be all.’ Art is the expressive marriage into rebirth of that which would otherwise drag mankind backwards to the grave and blackness of his primality, or lower nature. True art holds an aesthetic measure which must meet eye to inner eye within its beholder, lest it be another psychological bandage to the unhealed wounds of ten thousand years. While the externalist praises the polarity of nature and deals in absolutes, the mystic knows its unity by knowing art as the unification of polarity (opposites)—not to discount them, but to surmount the regrettable limitations of being literally ‘split in two.’ In fact, art is the unification of hemispheres, from which pours forth—true original expression in its varied forms. Being the experience of wholeness, it brings tears to the eyes and overwhelms the senses of those who behold such artistic works. It lives beyond the forecasts of segregated time. Its lasting ability is such because it was conceived before division, in wholeness. And in wholeness, it always lives despite the rise or fall of civilizations. What is timeless is called knowledge, and it is not divided. The highest expression of knowledge is called art. Beauty is its undivided principle. If art moves the soul, it is judged beautiful. Only decadence born from ignorance of inspiration putrefies the soul, shunning the recognition of its own transcending qualities to vainly reinforce division. To the materialist, there is one absolute - duality. To the mystic, the invisible is EVERYTHING. Triality is a word that would suffice to bring context and recognition of that which is undivided within man himself—the mind supreme—his God. The supreme inspiration of the many mystics to walk this earth, have again and yet again pointed to the wholeness principle recognized within themselves, as the source of their greatest potential and creations—the height of their very life. The inner most recognition of the divinity within man himself—God found and returned. That which is “blinding White Light.” Where in the blinding White Light can shadow dwell? I could paste one thousand quotes after another thousand quotes that point to this. In duality, shadow without sunlight, and sunlight without shadow would be a calamity. I am not asking you to suspend your belief in divided light, which must have its shadow and its unconscious. Recall the God of duality in all religions, even unto psychology. I am asking if you’ve begun to suspect something within you that is undivided—that is whole and immortal. I am asking if you have directly experienced your own inner Light. Man is a divided being who has yet to discover his undivided qualities belonging to the soul. This is also where he will find the God he has always sought. We play with words, try to define them only to eventually find their limitations and redefine them over and again. In this quest to uncover the Light within, we have to go within. The undiscovered country. The home of the great mystery. We know of our ocean depths on this planet; of rocks and minerals; of species and plants; of planets and stars. Why do we know so little about our own soul and mind? From psychology came the alignment of myth and archetype; of behavior and programming; of mind control and liberation. From the undivided mind comes the imagination, inspiration and creativity. Mind is not an opposite, rather a form of wholeness which opposites cannot fully integrate thus explaining the very small number of truly mindful humans to walk the earth. In the mystical experience, the man crosses the bridge from dualism into trialism. He becomes aware of opposites as effects of his very own undivided nature. He who can command his own opposites may command his universe. The worlds collide as he apprehends his bliss. Creation pours forth from the soul a wild river. He alone steers his vessel and controls his rudder. If consciousness [God] isn’t omnipresent, why then is it everywhere you go? Do you not see this is the actuality of universal mechanics? Man is a primate, especially regarding matters of the mind. A light dimmed is not unlit. As to the question of the so-called unconscious, it is no different than the word ‘unknown.’ Just because a human, or even a race of humans haven’t some perk of knowledge doesn’t make them all ‘unconscious.’ They are very conscious indeed of a great many things, but not conscious of what they do not yet know. The unknown therefore is not unconscious. It simply awaits consciousness to take note and discover, in other words, it exists in the realm of mind itself, waiting, always waiting. This is the home of potentiality. I know, therefore I am. I don’t care how many academicians pointed and focused their minds on a so-called ‘unconscious’ in man. Should I not point to consciousness as the prime actuality/mover simply to limit myself because said predecessors were also self-limited as to the scope of their own thinking? Can not a man continually acquire new ways and ponderings regarding his own mind? The question of God? Are we to be limited and confined to one book or one approved way of perceiving inside the nice comfortable box of conformity regarding God and the so-called unanswerable? Should we only consider and worship the shoulders of the giants alone and not pass go? Giving credit where credit is due is dutiful. Limiting yourself to another's base of knowledge is folly. Is illuminating new knowledge of mind attainable? Are we in fact able to become more cosmic than first we suspicioned? Can we go beyond the giants of thought ourselves? I maintain that is our purpose and reason for being thinkers at all. To go beyond all the perceived limitations of the human being which consequentially fulfills its destiny and purpose. New thinking is always barred, outlawed—even before it’s completely born out. The mental abortionists stand ready to cut out the unborn thought. If the academician doesn’t limit you, the crowd will. You’ve no right to speak here. This is our (academia’s) territory. Piss off you wanker. The way is shut and the dead (academia) keep it. We (academia) play with words while the world plays with itself. Mental boxes are hell holes of the mind. Boxes are for storing rigid thoughts. The brown recluse loves boxes. Time to live folks. There is no mold in the genius mind, rather mold is something that helps to decompose corpses. A knowing mind gathers no mold. It is long past time to know. Look at what the lack of knowing has done to our precious human world. Knowing removes the need for questions. To ask the question defeats the answer. Matt PrestiNeologist | Philosopher | Trialitarian
1 Comment
LoriAnne Presnell
8/1/2021 10:44:21
Just read(reread) your posts on Time and Dualism. Utterly inspired and inspiring. I have since found a peace in shelfing a "time" project that is dear to my soul. The 2 posts combine to impart the much needed "known UNknown" aspect that was just out of my grasp before. I'll lose NO time by sitting with my [ TIMEPSYCHLES ] project. My absolute focus is to be well prepared to present the single means by which one who has a birth certificate can be brought back to the land and soil jurisdiction. AS A THING IS BOUND SO IT IS UNBOUND. Your contagious energy and proximity here in Missouri are compelling factors along with your patriotism and reverence for our soldiers and veterans. It's a calling I must answer. Uhhh, speaking of TIME, it is entirely up to you IF/WHEN you'd like me to come down. Our unincorporated state assembly's coordinator is Robin Campbell. Lisa Lasker is a recording secretary. Both are on telegram. It's a privilege to access your work and it has elevated my knowing and becoming. Brightest blessings and quietest listenings! LoriAnne
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