For all my pacifist friends who love them some eastern Zen cuisine for the brain. This one's for you. ;) Don’t fight anymore. It’s useless to resist. There are no enemies. Everyone is your friend. Do not disagree, you will only cause trouble. Do what everyone else does, and you won’t be seen as anyone’s enemy. Having no family or friends may be lonely, but not having to care about others means less worry for yourself. Do not serve others, you may find that tiring. Do not take part in politics. Letting others control your destiny is less stressful than choosing your own. Get vaccinated so people in your family who also got vaccinated will feel like you really care about them. It is better to die young than to offend one’s family or friends at Christmas time. Ignore your inner-physician. You cannot heal yourself. Avoid medical “misinformation” at all costs. It will only cause inner conflict. Only listen to SNOPES. Being fully vaccinated and boosted means less conflict with your employer and government. Never listen to your still small voice within. It will always tell you right from wrong and good from evil—which only creates conflict. Just do what the outside world tells you and you’ll always be safe from your true self. Don’t worry if there are people in a worldwide global cult trying to kill you, your family, friends or your children. In essence, you really can’t do anything to stop them. If you join with them, you’ll have less worries. It is futile to take a stand against anything as you must then fight for something. Live on your knees and you’ll never experience resistance of any kind. Ignore everything around you. Then, everyone else can do all the work, and you'll have more time to fuck off. Do not offend. You don’t want other people to think that you think something different from them. If you don’t think for yourself, you will surely never argue. Just “be,” as it is better to lie down and die than stand up and risk anything. There is no enemy but your own mind and desire to live free from the violence of lesser men with lesser minds who want to be your lord. Do not worry about tyranny. It is true than billions have died from it, but if you do what the tyrant expects, you will surely escape death and never have to fight, which only makes you tired. Let your master whip and torture you with glee. The beating will be of far less duration. If he knows you are weak, he will lessen his force upon your back. If you don't stand for anything, you will not tire as easily. Sitting or kneeling is far less burdensome. Help not an old woman cross the road. Taking those extra steps will only delay your arrival elsewhere. If you see a fire, do not put it out. It is far too time consuming to gather water when you can simply let it burn. Never get angry at your circumstances, you might do something about them which will only make you sleepy. If you see a dog while driving, run it over. That way, you or someone else will not have to work harder to feed or care for it, and you will both have more time for crossword puzzles. When life gives you lemons, throw them away. You can buy already made lemonade at the grocery store. Your mind is the only thing that exists. Be like the “solipsist.” Don’t worry, there’s nothing bad about dying from hunger or your children starving to death because a global cult—hell bent on controlling your life and killing billions worldwide is “out there.” There is no food supply or shortages of anything. Embrace tranquility. Death by hunger is just an illusion. Only your mind exists. Nothing else. Feel not for any who have died nor for those who will suffer and perish, for that is “the way” of the true warrior. Be like a leaf on a stream. Just float on by not giving two fucks. That is Zen. Ignore death, destruction and war. If you don't fight for anything, you'll conserve more energy. Don't take a side. Hide and don't fight. That way, after the war, you can gather more booty for yourself. If you encounter a bully, a thief or a murderer, let him pass. Someone else will surely have to deal with him which means you can be home sooner to eat dinner and watch TV. Never help others in a struggle. Let them tire and you will have more time for tea. If a madman should rule your lands, suffer him and give him everything you own. This way, he will let you live. Deposing a tyrant takes too much work and robs you of relaxation. Be like a tree—rooted in your servitude to all things external. Your purpose should be whatever the ruling authority expects of you. Wear your mask and you will not encounter enemies. Take your shots and you will always be employed. Do not posture yourself against earthly rulers. They will surely crush you if you do not worship them. Resistance is futile. It only causes discomfort in your easy chair. Don’t give a fuck about injustice and you’ll immunize yourself from creating an enemy in your mind and causing yourself to have to fight for something like freedom. Freedom is an illusion. It cannot be gained nor lost. For it is better to be a slave. It is easier, that way you don’t make enemies nor do you need fight for anything. Fighting for a cause is futile. Let others do that. In the meantime, you can take up knitting or basket weaving—whereby you better yourself in some "lost art." Own nothing, especially private property. This way, someone else will have to take care of it and you will have more time to read the newspaper and be happy. Eat bugs and you won't have to waste your time cooking, cleaning or going to market. Do not seek for "rights." To have rights means one must fight another to obtain or keep them. Seek not to obtain nor to keep, and you will have little resistance in life. You can flow like a cup of coffee in the morning on your way to the death camps. Do nothing about anything. This is the path of least resistance, the way of the true warrior. And THAT means more nappy time! ~The Path of Least Resistance, by Ly Down Dy (The World's Foremost and Greatest Chinese Mystic Pacifist) Matt PrestiHumorist | Patriot | Satirist
Why a liar never wins. A liar tells a lie. He then has to cover his lie in his mind with another lie should anyone ever discover or question his first lie. When his first lie is discovered and questioned, he then lies again and now has to create a third lie in his mind to cover up his second lie created to hide the first one. This is a multiplication of lies which become so many, that errors begin to pile up and expose the liar by the mere fact he cannot remember all the previous lies he made up to cover up the first one. This is something children will benefit from learning at an early age, or it may never be learned as we are now witnessing in the self-incriminating behaviors of liars in media, politics, formerly trusted institutions and government bureaucracies the planet over. Once one tells a lie, the true "self" becomes covered in shadow. To the degree one lies to others is to the exact degree one lies to himself. Nature is a perfect mirror of truth. It is inescapable. Thus trust comes from truth. Without truth, no trust. And one who cannot trust in himself is as far away from truth as it gets. Thus, nobody trusts a liar once the liar is exposed, nor should they. Liars create a path of destruction for those who are foolish enough to believe their lies. Those who see their lies are immune because they know the truth. The whole of lying is destructive because nowhere in this universe of truth has anything in nature ever been built upon even a single lie. There is no lie in Nature. Nature is true. That’s why it has unceasing continuity. We are all learning a great universal lesson on lying and the destruction that it brings. Matt PrestiContemplator | Musician | Philosopher The wave goes up, the wave goes down, people travel it in both directions simultaneously. One side of the wave integrates, the other disintegrates. One side builds, the other destroys. One side grows, the other decays. One side charges, the other discharges. One side is life, the other side death. We are ALL in the wave of creation. But how many are centered (fulcrumized) in this wave? How many create and direct their own waves having both life and death at their fingertips? How many choose what part of the wave they will experience and for how long? How many are truly aware of the fulcrum upon which this wave moves? How many have no conception of the wave and are thrashed about by its violent turning only to be put to rest by its sudden peaceful calm? How many people create waves with no regard for the possible reactions these waves will propagate in further wave extensions? How many people are simply waves without a fulcrum? What did the ancient alchemists really transmute? Was it lead into gold, or awareness into balance? Was it longer life by ingestion of monoatomic gold or was it longer life by the living awareness and correct use of power within the fulcrum (Creator - God - Force) itself? Why do so many alchemical illustrations and drawings present us with hemispheric opposites with a centering savior child/vesica pisces/ in the depictions? Why is the white light always at the center of these hemispheres? How many centuries have passed since these drawings of the ancients were crafted and mass-man still has no clue as to his true source of power , purpose, and presence within him? Opposites reveal divinity. Divinity causes opposites. Effect is always two, but the CAUSE is one. Matt PrestiCrafter of Waves | Idea Generator | Survivalist |
Matt PrestiThis is where I post my thoughts, writings, interviews and various creative productions. Feel free to share the links. Archives
January 2025