Pain is for some, the only teacher. Who am I to assume I can save another from their own choices? A closed mind in today’s super abundant information world, seems an utter abnormality. It would be arrogant, hubristic and pompous of me to think myself the savior of someone else’s choice to champion ignorance and noetic darkness. In future, history will show that these close-minded people also served a purpose. It will be written, that such states contributed to great suffering among a wide host of humanity. This is good. For it will serve to warn man that indeed, ignorance is not bliss, but rather, leads to pain, suffering and death. I learned a long time ago that it is irresponsible to take responsibility for those who do not desire to be responsible. In a way, it’s like stealing their best teacher (pain) away from them. You cannot do somebody else’s self-work. There are no shortcuts on this path. The saying, “They made their own beds, let them lie in them,” comes to mind. If pain was your best teacher, as it was mine, you will unfailingly comprehend this saying. How then to help? Seek to inspire (in-spirit). Inspiration has been called the language of Light. Let them witness your Light (Creator/knowledge/beauty/imagination/love) in form/action. And perhaps, when and IF they’re ready, they may see their own. As for pain, if you happen to know your greatest teacher, you’re indeed fortunate. But, you must let others get to know theirs. #PainIsTheGreatestTeacher Matt Presti Learner | Student | Teacher
This is one of my many poems put to video and music. I am sharing these so posterity may enjoy them and find inspiration in these written words.
Music - "The Wheat" by Hans Zimmer and Lisa Gerrard Keepers of Death A poem by Matt Presti Death, now a glory of delight Only fools bow to hate These days now absent of Light Terrible, the price to pay And woe to those who imbibe The poisonous glue of regret Their ceaseless tongues lashing out As mankind kneels before Set Death of soul for the popular taste The MOB regards vice, shuns virtue It weaves a noose of silk and lace And smugly hangs imagination Lost souls wander’eth streets at night The hell hounds bark with fury The March of madness leaves its wake A harvest of dead men buried To murder and gloat and blame All that once was dear To die and suffer in agony and pain To succumb to primal fear Through rain, storm and winter In solitude with mighty nature The warrior sees and knows The song of which seed grows In battle Tested Through hell Bested He knows not defeat—nor yields In life Rested Obstacles Crested His spirit is his shield He sees the murdered selves, the MOB A sorry sight of fear A walking contradicted blob Of broken hemispheres Retreating home to solitude For life’s eternal prize He lives to fight another day And does not compromise The MOB is but a fleeting fit A temporary sorry dirge The warrior stands not in the way As they exalt their Demiurge Cast ye a single flower upon the heap The dead are their own to keep. Matt Presti
Creator | Poet | Writer The world has lost a Light today. Allen Adkins, dear friend, brother and co-creator in arms. We worked together toward building a better world and future for mankind. A true blue ONE whose heart was millions of times larger than himself. You will be sorely missed dear friend. May the All-Light of eternal God Divine hold and keep you in peace, rest and stillness. The balance you lived and exhibited will forever be remembered. Matt PrestiFriend | Fellow | Reverend On this episode return guest Matt Presti & the Alfacast crew further dissect the nature of our reality from the perspective of luminary Walter Russell, the most famous man you’ve never heard of. Matt's brilliant documentary, Dispelling Dimensional Madness, makes the strong case that reality is NOT a dimension, rather, it HAS dimension. This treatise was created to take down the "belief" in higher dimensions. The fraud of the age fueled by gnosticism, mythematics, new-age scientism and unthinking adherents to this cult of fiction are summarily deposed in this most enlightening presentation. "You cannot THINK how to KNOW. You cannot ACT how to THINK. But you can KNOW how to THINK & ACT.” ~ Matt Presti Matt Presti is a renown Metascientist, Musician, Patriot, Philosopher, Poet, Practitioner of Universal Law, Natural Science and Living Philosophy, Audio and Video Producer, Broadcaster, and Host of The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC). Former Director of Operations and President of The University of Science and Philosophy (formerly the Walter Russell Foundation) January 1st,2015-August 10th, 2021. Currently CEO of Universal Power, LLC. Volunteer firefighter on Montauk Rural Fire Department in Dent County, Missouri and Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire Department in Nelson County, VA. Walter Russell put the CREATOR back into CREATION. Strap in as we challenge the foundational gatekeeper mythology, and further expose the religious zealotry now operating under the guise of Science. Get 20% off all Walter Russell purchases throughout the month of March [2023] at with the code ALFA20 Show links: • The Exploration of Conciousness. Music and Sky Early Bird Tickets Now Avail For Members! Save BIG on your Brown's Gas AquaCure Machine by using the coupon code "alfavedic' at checkout here: Alfa Vedic is an off-grid agriculture & health co-op focused on developing products, media & educational platforms for the betterment of our world. By using advanced scientific methods, cutting-edge technologies and tools derived from the knowledge of the world's greatest minds, the AV community aims to be a model for the future we all want to see. Our comprehensive line of health products and nutrition is available on our website. Most products are hand mixed and formulated right on our off grid farm including our Immortality Teas which we grow on site. Find them all at Follow Alfa Vedic: Follow Mike Winner: Matt PrestiAuthentic | Inspiring | Original
Great to join Shane of the Vonu Podcast.
SHOW GUIDE: 20% discount on all books at use coupon code VONU20 good through March 2023 Matt tells us a bit about his background, path here, and how he discovered the work of Walter Russell Matt’s “The Secret of Light” video series that got him noticed by the former President of The University of Philosophy of Science An introduction to Walter Russell, the most famous man you’ve never heard of The story of Walter’s magnum opus, The Universal One, published in 1929 Some of his discoveries were weaponized (such as predicting the creation of heavy water), leading to he and his wife, Lao’s book "Atomic Suicide?' An introduction to Walter’s cosmology and how it differs from mainstream science The main difference? Walter put the CREATOR back into CREATION Electricity, magnetism, gravity, and the overall physics (see Atomic Suicide for the best explanation) Walter’s Optic Dynamo Generator, his breakthrough energy device that powered their 52-room university for a month All about electricity/hydrogen and it’s role in Russellian cosmology Another testament: Matt had a friend that installed a Brown’s Gas kit on his car 20 years ago and basically doubled his gas mileage Bueller gives a rundown on Brown’s Gas, and other mind-blowing uses of the Brown’s Gas torch (i.e. turning aluminum oxide into rubies or sapphires) Does Flat Earth cosmology fit with the science put forth by Walter Russell? Dark matter, quantum theory, the big bang theory, and other mythological, psychotic mainstream fantasies Matt gives us a rundown on his work: documentaries, music, and other inspirational content at Matt PrestiChange Agent | Energy Researcher | Modern Reformer |
Matt PrestiThis is where I post my thoughts, writings, interviews and various creative productions. Feel free to share the links. Archives
January 2025