You want true illumination? It will never come from a substance and likely, not for many many years through deep meditation or prayer. In my 11 unique experiences, it came only through inspiration. Following and immersing myself in-spirit. Shutting off the outside world and opening up to the Universe inside. Would it perplex you to know that new knowledge may only come from the mind—directly through you? That many have walked this planet who have and are continually learning without studying, reading books, papers, periodicals or websites? While all those sources have their uses, the greatest secret of alchemy tells of another source—THE SOURCE. It is the least known of all secrets. All knowledge comes from the mind. Mind conceives idea and transfers only a simulation of that idea onto a media—such as audio/video, paper or computer screen—through the symbolic technique known as “recording” or “writing.” You are not reading words! You are reading thoughts and ideas! All of these thoughts came from the same place your thoughts come from—the stillness of the mind. This paraphrased quote I heard somewhere has in it a combination of the wisdom of Thomas Jefferson and Mark Twain; “a man can read the newspaper every day of his life and still know nothing.” The fist criteria for becoming a true creator is learning to follow your inspiration. What is created from outspiration (sensation) is often ugly, decadent and synthesized (artificial). If you’re going to pass through the gate to inner wisdom, one need only open the doors of their mind. The greatest of all treasures lie in wait for your discovery of what was always there. Inspiration is the “flash” light to guide one through the dark cave of the mental universe. Follow it and you will discover the true Light back of all motion. And when you turn around, you’ll see a whole new world open up. Why do so few wish to tread there? Why do people so often consume the words and mental masturbations of the least among them—binding all the power of their soul onto an external materialistic existence? The same source of all thought can also be misused. That is due to the very real existence of free will (mind). We call that misuse of desire/mind/will—evil. Thus why we find no evil in Nature. The MIND behind Nature is God. Without free will, we would have no MIND of our own. Use it wisely. When it comes to the greatest secret, only the strong need apply. Only the brave may pass through the gate. What awaits you is the ONE gift that eternally keeps on giving. Matt PrestiMetascientist | Philosopher | Thinker
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[Original Post June 2020] The 10 year long US CULTURAL REVOLUTION officially kicked off this spring of 2020. You will find striking parallels in the historic data that is archived over these last hundred years regarding the use of COMMUNISM to provoke massive changes to a nation, country and its people—in this case, the goal being global government (UN Agenda 2030). It would not be wise to think "this can't happen here," for if you simply look around, this is EXACTLY what is happening HERE, and NOW. The CULTural revolution now occurring, is but the next phase of that 'long march' through the institutions of these United States in particular. This 'long march' is now spilling out into the streets to enact the 2nd wave of change. Comparing the history of the launch of the cultural revolution with the events of today, one cannot help but notice significant historical overlaps in method, implementation and even unto certain allowances (think Hundred Flowers Campaign) for intellectual "free" speech and criticism of the revolution itself (social media/internet resistance), challenges to the system of capitalism (think Anti-Rightist Campaign) and outright economic terrorism. "Launched by Mao Zedong, the Chairman of the Communist Party of China (CPC), its stated goal was to preserve Chinese Communism by purging remnants of capitalist and traditional elements from Chinese society." Source: The first three years (2020-2022 - *notice the numerology here*) of transition in the United States will be akin to "The Great Leap Forward" in Mao's campaign. This could result in our own "Great Chinese (American) Famine." "Mao [Deep State] launched the movement in May 1966 with the help of Cultural Revolution Group [Open Society Policy Center] soon calling on young people to "bombard the headquarters" and proclaiming that "to rebel is justified". To eliminate his rivals within the CPC [Communist Party of China] and in schools, factories, and government institutions, Mao [Deep Staters] charged that bourgeois [Trump movement] elements had infiltrated the government and society and that they aimed to restore capitalism." Source: "After this brief period of liberalization, Mao cracked down on those who criticized the communist regime. The crackdown continued through 1957–1959 as an Anti-Rightist Campaign against those who were critical of the regime [Deep State] and its ideology. Those targeted were publicly criticized and condemned to prison labor camps." See - "The Anti-Rightist Campaign in the People's Republic of China, which lasted from roughly 1957 to 1959, was a campaign to purge alleged "Rightists" within the Communist Party of China (CPC) and abroad. The definition of rightists was not always consistent, sometimes including critics to the left of the government, but officially referred to those intellectuals who appeared to favor capitalism and were against collectivization. The campaigns were instigated by Chairman Mao Zedong and, according China's official statistics during the "Boluan Fanzheng" period, resulted in the political persecution of at least 550,000 people." Source: The Anti-Rightist movement ironically, had a FIRST WAVE, and a SECOND WAVE. Notice the use of words in mirroring COVID-19. Much could be written on the parallels between our current times and these historic occurrences. In short and in summary, so not to bore you with too much detail, the following can be deduced. October of 2020 will mark 103 year anniversary the Bolshevik revolution launched in Russia. It is also the 103 anniversary of the Spanish flu. Beyond mere coincidences, the 101st (airborne virus) anniversary of the formation of the Communist party USA happens to be 2020. 1st Wave extended launch of the New "Cultural Revolution" (Obama). 2nd wave (Great Leap Forward) launched in the Spring of 2020 (COVID-19) - October, 2020 prior to US National Elections? Hundred Flowers Campaign. Anti-Rightists Campaign/class struggle/Urban Intellectual Youth brigades (contact tracers). People's Commune System implemented (famines begin). PURGES. If this continues to go as planned, here is what the people of the United States can expect based on my own research and projection of numbers: Humanitarian Crises and Deaths due to: Famine - 23-55 million people. Massacres and cannibalism - 2.5-5 million people. Violent deaths (beatings/torture) - 2.5 million-7.5 million people. Cripplings - 1.3-3 million people. Forced relocation - 40-50 million rural people. You can read the US Communist party's writings, posts, upcoming events and plans at their own Facebook page. - Our Republic is in dangerous times. Our men are few, our thinkers are fewer, and our leaders fewest. If you and I are going to survive this coming and well planned plunge, we had better do what the peasants of the former Capitalist country of China failed to do. YOU MUST: Arm yourself with Knowledge and Wisdom. Arm yourself with Courage and the Power to use it. Arm yourself by exercising your rights, especially your 1st and 2nd Amendments. Arm yourself with the Love of all that is Good and Right in this world and be willing to fight to the death to protect it! I know the strength of the human spirit. I see it in so many of you. I do not think the way of Communist China shall be our end for these United States. All collectives lack individual spirit. That one thing may still yet save this Republic as it was built on INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS! Without individual spirit, one cannot rise to the mountaintop of their own unique becoming. If each of us hold true to our selves, our values, our laws, our virtues, and our desire for freedom, we cannot and will not fail. Interview regarding this post (written June of 2020) with Truth Warrior, David Whitehead. Matt PrestiPhilosopher | Thinker “2005: Those who object to measures deployed in the name of fighting "foreign terrorists" harbor sympathy for those terrorists. 2021: Those who object to measures deployed in the name of fighting "domestic terrorists" harbor sympathy for those terrorists. Rhetoric never changes.” –Glenn Greenwald One must wonder in astonishment at the political censorship taking place. It would make Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Mussolini, and Pol Pot jealous. The modern Jacobite-Communist-Democrat- and RINO party, now lead and support the modern day crusades to crush all opposition to their emerging ONE PARTY system, platform and politics. This same thing always occurs under the greatest destructive tyrannical takeovers in history. First you censor the speech. Then, you psychically purge those you censored. History tells us so. There is no need to sugarcoat the happenings taking place right now. I call them for what they indeed are. I am a student of history whose memory not being selective, is in service to truth, not authority—righteousness for its own sake, not delusions of grandeur. I pray to God I have no family or friends that actually support this kind of super-draconian power. Such unthinking humans are ALL that is wrong with the world. To steal a human being's right to speak his thoughts, is to steal your own right to embrace diversity―to hear an opinion beside your own. To allow only your own omnipotence to dictate favored views upon in particular, these United States, some 75,000,000 people and their families, which likely amounts to around 100,000,000 people in total, is horrifying to contemplate. "You want to ban @realDonaldTrump, fine you’re a private company, but @Twitter deleting the President’s account which highlights this admin & its history is wrong. @Facebook & @instagram banning all images from the Capitol riot is a dangerous precedent to set. We aren’t in China." ―Secretary Ben Carson. No Sec. Carson, China’s Communist totalitarian system of censorship is now in the United States, OFFICIALLY welcomed by the UN-tairan party. And their policies will only get worse. There is only one party now—one way to look at the world—one point of view that is acceptable, allowable, permissible and recognizable regarding social media policy. It will quickly become the policy of all society by force if necessary, as history undoubtedly proves is the case. It is for the greater good that man be limited to what his master allows. Those who oppose the master will be made examples of, punished for wrong-think and pursued to the corners of the earth until all history of him is erased—for the greater good of course. Mao would be proud of such indefatigable efforts of which our fellow countrymen have ‘officially’ embraced. As a philosopher, I have thought for over 250 moons about this time and when it would finally emerge in the world—the aim of some men to crush all other men into one hive mind. One way for the collective, and no way for the individual. Political choice is no longer allowed. It is times like these that unleash the greatest peril upon the souls of all men. The question men who dare to be free now ask, "what must we do to keep our little bit of individuality in this world of coming darkness?" If he listens, he will hear the answer in his soul, "keep your own Light burning no matter what may come. Protect it at ALL costs." What is at stake now, is our right to exist with a mind of our own, free and independent of the deadly collective force that fast approaches from the East. "When you tear out a man's tongue you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." ―George R. R. Martin. I find common in elite leftists, the utterances of such select wisdom. But only when it helps achieve their own desired goals of power at the cost of all else—to ignore it when it doesn’t. He who ignores his own words of wisdom, harbors only ignorance and meaningless words—not wisdom. Irony my friends, is what you find when common sense and reason has gone out the window—when the tongues of gnats parade as virtuous giants—when human termites gnaw at the great foundations of western civilization, and in vain seek only compliance, silencing of criticism—otherwise known as different points of view and opinion. To those usurpers and supporters of the great many violations of free speech now occurring in this FREE country; to those who embrace the Great Reset of the human race—believing the religion of the Medes (MSM) who but champion mental mediocrities; to those who have created hell for minorities in the inner cities, and then call those conditions they helped create 'marginalized communities'; to those who demand the world of man remain in unconscionable service to "THEIR" master's whip, I've but one reminder to leave with you, and it comes from one of your own saints: "“When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.” ―Nelson Mandela. Herbert Spencer, in his book "The Man Versus the State," wrote of how the Liberal party in Britain swapped places to become “The New Toryism,” disregarding its cherished ideals of upholding basic rights, freedoms, and the common good of the individual—moving swiftly away from the model of cooperation and growing more and more coercive in its legislation. He wrote of how the Liberals in England became the very tyrants they claimed to oppose when their majority won out in parliament. As stemmed from the omnipotent claims of the divine kings of old, the same power now became that of the Liberal parliament to unleash. They were so beholden to forcing the greater good upon their country, they caused much chagrin for their lack of upholding the basic freedoms they had long ago set out to acquire and protect—forcing Conservatives to create the “Liberty and Property Defense League,” whose motto was “Individualism versus Socialism.” Equality quickly becomes inequality when passions rule the mind over reasonableness—whether in a king or a parliament. “The mental type remains the same. All superstitions die hard; and we fear that this belief in government-omnipotence will form no exception.” —Herbert Spencer If humanity is to have a future, a TRUE diversity if you will, then diversity of mind and tongue MUST first be allowed—cherished above all. If there only be allowed unitary conditions which marginalize minds—first with shame—then creating a mental ‘ghetto-like’ plantation, and finally enjoining such depravity with force, it is at this time that a great many will awaken to their own self-created horror, albeit far too late. The collective party of blind obedience to the super state, of which they had no awareness of, and in their zeal for full conformity and coercion to it by all parties involved, that which they so championed will become the very thing they so despise. We pledge allegiance, to the flag Matt Presti Philosopher | Thinker In April of 2020, I constructed the layout for these Chicken Coops to begin egg harvesting operations. The starter house was pre-finished and I designed and built (with the help of two good friends, Bill and Nick), the larger house with the red (hen) roof. To this day (01/08/2021), we've harvested one rooster and 25 dozen eggs. It was and is always, an enjoyable process to construct and build something from your own imaginings. With a little help from my friends, where you may lack the expertise, you can always get things done and make things happen. See your vision to completion. This is the process of creation. Matt Presti Authentic | Inspiring | Original This two-part video series was produced to critique the world-wide response to the Covid-19 invisible enemy. I am questioning whether we as a people, are moving into a dystopian future at high-speed. We need to ask ourselves, is this the kind of world we will accept for ourselves, our children and our loved ones? Freedom is a GOD-GIVEN right, not a man-given one. This video is meant to arouse a healthy sense of questioning, which in the end will support freedom, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Produced by Matt Presti Music Part I: Track 1 - Forgotten Gods by Adrian von Ziegler Track 2 - Forgotten Vale by Jeremy Soule Track 3 - Vortex by Carbon Based Lifeforms Music Part II: Track 1 - "The Terminator" Soundtrack Track 2 - "The Thing" Soundtrack Track 3 - "The Thing Still Lives" by Matt Presti. Matt PrestiAudio/Video Producer | Editor |
Matt PrestiThis is where I post my thoughts, writings, interviews and various creative productions. Feel free to share the links. Archives
January 2025