All Battle and No Play. . .(or how I learned to stop worrying and love the war) (Painting - Warrior at Rest, Eric Wait) I have the supreme right to be full-time angry if I really wanted to be. I've known since 2002, that this human race has been under massive psychological attack and no one cared to hear it or help deal with it. I've written albums about it and released music/video/podcasts trying to assist in waking up my fellow man with little to no success. I've known since before then, that the governments of the world are corrupt beyond repair and the human race is being systematically targeted for destruction and population reduction. I tried to tell my family, friends, coworkers about 911, vaccines, garbage in the food supply, big pharma, the lying media and the secret world-wide cabal of internationalists working to form a new world order and global government. I was laughed at, called a conspiracy nut job and ostracized. However, I turned out to be right, not that it even matters. The point is I had to choose my own quality of life alone. Anger can be a gift don't get me wrong, but only so when it serves a purpose—a means to an end. Otherwise, as I found out the hard way, it can be self-devouring, creating toxins in the blood and delusions of evil everywhere in the mind. I had to step away from anger and thank God I did. If I would have spent the last 21 years of my life in full-time anger mode, I would not have gotten anything productive done in this world, but to quickly take myself out in a most unnatural way. Warriors do not spend all their time engaged in battle (all battle and no play as it were). If they did, they wouldn't be effective much less able to engage in many years of prolonged war—which is what is required to win this. Pick your battles they say. Know your line in the sand. And be prepared to defend it to the death. Turn the tables when the tables need turning. Otherwise, remember to love and be loved. Without that, life has little to no true purpose. A life without love is a life unlived. Love is the only TRUE power. Hate will burn you down. You can't win every fight, but you can know when to engage or walk away—take some time off from the battle. "He who knows his enemy and himself well will not be defeated easily." ~Sun Tzu The very real burnout of being alone in a battle for years and years forced me to take a second look at how I defined the quality of my life. When all I knew was battle that was all I had in life. I had to create love, harmony, order, virtue, morality, knowledge, insight, power and purpose within my character through much alone time and deep study in Nature. Those were the qualities I really longed for and thank God, I created them because they saved my life and gave it a deeper purpose beyond all the earthly kingdom fantasies of battles fought and won, friends and family 'suddenly awakened' and freedoms re-bestowed. Despite the seemingly endless war, I've created within me a measureless, timeless quality, which is bulletproof and immortal. And I cherish it. I hope all of you find quality in your lives in whatever way is most meaningful to each of you. Truly. This fight is just beginning, and it may well last beyond our lifetimes. Remember to pace yourself, and don't forget the little things (love, life, kindness, joy, laughter, imagination and making good times). Matt PrestiIdea Generator | Firefighter | Warrior
Matt PrestiThis is where I post my thoughts, writings, interviews and various creative productions. Feel free to share the links. Archives
January 2025