Communication is not "true" communication these days. It has become decadent, dysfunctional and seemingly beyond repair. The greatest lack of communication skills resides in the younger generations, those who have grown up dependent on technologies meant to "entertain" them, but in reality, rather "entrain" them—dulling their senses, and inevitably—dulling their minds. The inability to respond in a timely fashion is, and I surmise, a result of electronics overload. Something with the light waves that come from these devices has made responses in the human brain almost "artificial." In other words, if you went back several decades and did a comparison with regard to communication skillsets, you would find a tremendous downhill curve in all facets of communications abilities, much like IQ. Perhaps the two are more closely related than first thought? Nature thrives on communication. All species have use of it, in fact, all species command it. Nature is the grand communicator. That is why it functions so precisely and always in a “timely” more immediate fashion. All life communicates to all other life. It is accomplished not through artificial means, but rather natural ways and processes. Eye contact, pheromones, odors, sounds, light, color, movement and posturing to name a few, communicate a great deal between all forms of life. Even to the mycelium connections in the humus and topsoil layers of forests and its roots, through the wind, the streams, rivers and oceans enveloping innumerable species residing in such mediums, all of them garner the skills of informing and being informed of all other presences. This is something greatly lacking in today’s youth. We say of this, that so many of our young people seem “lost.” Lost to what? I would answer that—a loss of the ability to effectively “communicate.” If I were to stake a hypothesis on the dysfunction of human communications, I would have to place the blame on the artificial mental crutches that have grown up around us all—i.e., technology (TV, computers, tablets and so-called "smart" phones). You notice older people have much less reliance on the artificial. Thus, they are much better communicators. Their consciousness can remain focused without a screen, without a crutch to inform them of what their innate senses of their bodies should be telling them. They’re using already existent neurons in the brain, rather than “circuit panels and nanos.” They are by comparison, ALWAYS ON TIME in responses, rather than “late as usual.” The chronic tardiness of the young, in all forms of communication (even physical presence), be it email, text, returning phone calls—or simply responding to a direct question can trace its root to these DEvices. Or, should we from here on out, start referring to them as “VICES?” Matt PrestiMetaAuthor | Philosopher | Thinker
Matt PrestiThis is where I post my thoughts, writings, interviews and various creative productions. Feel free to share the links. Archives
January 2025