Welcome to Episode 9 of The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC) Podcast, with host Matt Presti.
Matt welcomes Truth Warrior, David Whitehead to the show. David is co-host of the UNSLAVED podcast along with Michael Tsarion. He has produced a prodigious amount of masterful work, from his Cult of the Medics to premium content that you can find on his Rokfin channel. We discuss all things "warrior" in this episode, topics ranging from personal details of how we each became involved in martial arts, the philosophy of martial arts and how this relates across multiple artistic platforms, the alignment of "true" philosophies, courage, inspiration, the role and responsibility of being a warrior in this current day and age, body-mind-and spirit, a warrior's mentality, family, responsibility, lots of Bruce Lee/Walter Russell, and a host of other great topics. For David's sites or to contact him, see links below. Main Page: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com Contact: https://www.dwtruthwarrior.com/contact.html#/ ROKFIN: https://rokfin.com/dwtruthwarrior - Premium Access & Live Streams (Active, free archive + Premium Account) KO-FI: https://ko-fi.com/truthwarrior - independent donation, premium subscription Foxhole: https://thefoxhole.app/#/home - Live Streams Rumble: https://rumble.com/user/dwtruthwarrior - Live Streams + archive Cult of the Medics Docu-Series: www.cultofthemedics.com Bitchute: www.bitchute.com/dwtruthwarrior - Free Archived shows DLive: https://dlive.tv/DWTruthWarrior - Live Streams Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/dwtruthwarrior - Live Streams Telegram: https://t.me/dwtruthwarrior - chat + daily posts iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/way-of-the-truth-warrior-podcast/id1286895964 Periscope: https://www.pscp.tv/dwtruthwarrior Gab: https://gab.com/dwtruthwarrior Brand New Tube: https://brandnewtube.com/@DWTruthwarrior Unslaved Podcast - http://Unslaved.com Matt Presti - http://MattPresti.com Matt Presti
Authentic | Ninja | Warrior
Dear Mediocrity, Pathetic little man. You really didn’t have a plan. Lashing out at specters from your bully pulpit lectern. Did you really think you could hurt me? You sharpened all your knives but could not cut through. To think you really believed I’d kneel to you? Nothing could be further from the truth. You’ve no ground to stand on, your lies reveal all. Mediocrity on parade, yet you march like you’re tall. Do you really think I care? You’re loud, but you are feeble. Your mind is rather weak. Never made it above the senses, it’s obvious when you speak. Look in the mirror for proof. I laugh at your attempts, your lack of leadership. Heartless mediocrity, who couldn’t command respect. Only failure follows fools. You’ve been dethroned, defeated, expelled, and unseated. You say I got my revenge? I watched you destroy yourself. You caused your own demise. You really are a jester, a mistake to call you cosmic. A joke unto yourself, your failure truly seismic. A mere shadow lacking wit. You rallied up your chorus, a troop of derelict dolts. Masquerading as important, a crew of dullard colts. A box of useless tools. If only you were a shaman, you could cure yourself. You suffer from delusions under your own spell. You brought shame upon your name playing games. This is the last communique you’ll receive from me. I handpicked you because I had an important lesson to learn. Jealousy and pettiness, heartless in your ways. I’ll have none of that on my plate. I’ve too much love to give, which you could only fake. Say goodbye for now, I will not be meeting you again. What you called a friend has let you go, to fall into your world low. The higher the fewer or so they say. The lower the many—where you choose to stay. I’ve met no greater example of mediocrity, it runs in your family. Perhaps one day YOU may see the forest through the trees. You cannot best a stand-up man while groveling on your knees—your primate undeveloped mentality and lack of true spirituality. You dressed nice, but nobody bought your lies at that price. Rejected, neglected advice, you crawl across the muddy world with vice. You are the tie that binds your “self,” left behind. I do not pity fools. Everything you claim was from me actually came from you. Look in the mirror old friend, look and behold. The heartless dark one who walks alone in the cold. Matt Presti Authentic | Powerful | Warrior
You can find more of Matt Presti at https://www.mattpresti.com/!
Visit http://Philosophy.org/store for 20% off Russell books, booklets and audio through August 15th, 2023. Enter code - VIGILANT20 at checkout. Make Sure To Check Out and Support Joshua Reid with The RedPill Project at https://www.redpillprojectmedia.com AMP INSIDER: Talk with our show hosts live on "Ask The Expert". Go deeper with your research with archived shows and discounts on Patriot resources! When You Subscribe Now + Use the Code 'AMP888’ You’ll Receive The First Month for Just $1 -https://ampinsider.us/amp/signup It's Patriots like you, who help fund AMP’s efforts to provide uncensored news you can trust. SUPPORTING OUR PATRIOT SPONSORS = SUPPORTING AMP! Don't Wait for the Next Financial Crisis - Get a Free Gold Consultation Now! https://bit.ly/PHDJoshReid Are you one of the nearly 60% of Americans who are concerned about running out of money? If so, we have the solution for you. Receive a free consultation and a free e-book about annuities - the financial product that can provide you with guaranteed income for life: https://www.americanmediaperiscope.com/cleveland Don't Let Communications Blackouts Leave You Vulnerable - Get a Private Satellite Phone Now! https://bit.ly/ampsatphones Looking to Promote Your Business? Reach a loyal demographic of freedom-loving Americans who vote with their dollars. Promote your patriot business on AMP NEWS. Contact Sean Morgan at: [email protected] Use Our Code AMP888 For Special Discounts at: Support Patriot Mike Lindell who has been canceled by the woke corporations! Get American Made Products for your home! https://MyPillow.com "Laetrile works, you bet your life" - Save 10% off your entire order: https://rncstore.com/AMPNEWS FOLLOW US ON SOCIALS: https://linktr.ee/ampnews LISTEN TO OUR SHOW PODCASTS: https://podcast.ampnews.us AMPINSIDER - A Community and Resource To Connect with Like-Minded Patriots: https://ampinsider.us/ Welcome to Episode 8 of The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC) Podcast, with host Matt Presti. Matt welcomes author and "consciousness" researcher Mark Gober to the show. Mark has written a series of books on all things "upside down" concerning living, contact (UFO's, aliens and spirits), the great reset, liberty, and thinking. We discuss his work and podcast along with mystical perspectives, academic "outsiders," psychic experience, near death experiences (NDE's), duality vs. non-duality, non-human intelligence, current paradigms of government and the ultimate solution - BECOMING MORE CONSCIOUS. Less brain = more consciousness. Mark's website - https://markgober.com/ Support Mark's work. Order his books here - https://www.amazon.com/stores/Mark-Gober/author/B07D3C7Z46?ref=ap_rdr&store_ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true Subscribe to Mark's podcast here - https://markgober.com/podcast/ Knowing the Creator 101 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwfpexzls6D992osI8qdQQPi2B34iKOoW Dispelling Dimensional Madness - https://youtu.be/20SW9smqqfg Walter & Lao Russell's Cosmology - http://Philosophy.org Matt Presti - http://MattPresti.com Matt Presti
Explorer | Philosopher | Podcaster What is the single best thing you've ever done in your whole life that benefitted you most of all? (Feel free to share your answer in the comments). For me, it was deciding to move to the country. Salem, Missouri is about two hours from the Gateway to the West, St. Louis, where I was born and raised. It is known as the Gateway to the Ozarks. I'd wanted to move here as early as 1993, but could not find work after turning in a few applications. However, in 2002, I decided to move the family. I still had to commute to St. Louis for work for the next 13 years. That 2-hour (each way) drive helped me immensely with centering my mind and thinking deeply about many things. It became a practice, which Walter Russell calls "waking meditation." The ability to center and quiet your thoughts in an instant (letting the knowing in). I eventually got divorced within a few months of moving here, then 6 months later met the love of my life, the most challenging person I'd ever known to date, my Lori. Our story could fill a few podcasts, but suffice it to say, it was one of really "growing in love" rather than "falling in love." That is the difference between a common relationship and a relationship with a soul mate. For many years, as a transplant, I didn't quite get these country boys and their politics, their attitudes toward life, and what they held to be important (God, Country, Family, Faith, etc.). Certainly I was out of my element being a bonified city boy. But the bountifulness of Nature began to grow (reflecting) in me, the traditions of the area and its people, gardening, raising livestock, canning, quite more a self-sufficient way of living, trucks and dirt roads, hard working fathers, men and faithful, loyal women and moms. Of course, there were problems like with any place. People are people. But what Salem was to me, was a saving grace though I never understood and often heard people say it was a vortex, one that once you live here you'll never escape. I couldn't be happier living here. A place of peace where I could collect my thoughts and harness my creative powers. I wrote more music in the first few years of being here than all my previous years combined. All my best work was seeded in the naturalness of the Ozark Mountains, which some say are the oldest mountain range on Earth with their karst topography, caves, limestone bluffs and crystal-clear streams. Small towns aren't immune to drama however. In fact, it is more dramatic because it is small. Nothing gets by anyone. Everyone knows everyone's business. You could say this is both good and bad—depending on your character. But none the less, you don't have to wonder about someone's character. You'll hear soon enough about them. My first year here, I was known as a philanderer. Lori's friends warned her of me, even on our first date! She says "I saw something good in you" so it was worth the risk. That stigma I made for myself. And it took many years to change it through right action and character building. Character is like a tail after all, it will follow you around always (good or bad). The good thing about it, you can change it. With my intense "self" study came the tools I needed to heal my traumas via pattern recognition going back to my childhood. I literally, rebuilt my “self” brick by brick. It was then I became an implant. After a decade of hard work, I began to hear a different opinion about myself from other people and via Lori. They respected me, knew I was a good hardworking and upstanding individual, honest, integral, faithful, and I too respected them. I found the "good ones" and grew friendships that have lasted. I've had the best mentors, learned to fix and repair things on my own, to build and construct toward a more self-sufficient life. Farmers and country folk are some of the most incredibly self-sufficient people I know. Many have traits of genius and that comes I believe, from working closely with the land. That real-time relationship with Nature is priceless 🙌🏻. And that is why the best decision I ever made was moving to the country. In other words, living in Nature brought me my "self," the "love of my life," the best job(s) I've ever had, the most creative projects I've ever done and I'm only getting started! It saved the "real" me from the concrete and steel (city) me. Inside each of us is an organic "self." It may cost a little more to invest in, but the end result is worth every bit of blood, sweat and tears. And it only keeps getting better. #SeekNature #FindYourSelf Matt PrestiFormer City | Now Country | Satisfied "The standard of a civilization is the mean average level of its constructive and destructive thinking. It becomes what it thinks even as one man becomes what he thinks. The world of man is still far from knowing that every thought and action of every man reaches through and affects the thoughts of every other man. Every good thought is like a drop of water added to the ocean's level and every bad thought lowers its level. A war-making, class-dividing, race-hating civilization is not the product of one man, it is the product of all men. No one man may say: I am good, therefore, I did not make it. He lives in it and profits by its conquests or suffers its penalties." - Lao Russell, God Will Work With You But Not For You. 1st Axiom - All races have killed or enslaved all other races. E.g.: Tribes of Asia crossed the Bering Land Bridge into North America circa 18,000 years ago to later become termed - the "Native Americans" encountered first by "white" Vikings and then European men. According to some alternative historians, they were also NOT the first to arrive in what is now called the North American continent. These newly arriving Asian tribes ventured into the Sierra Nevada and proximal areas encountering according to some traditions and legends, red bearded, red haired white-skinned settlements of "giants" who were actually spread over a large part of North America. The giants and the Asian tribes inevitably went to war with one another. The Asian tribes due to their numbers eventually won out and exterminated the giants of North America off the face of the earth. https://www.burlingtonnews.net/giants.html https://www.burlingtonnews.net/giants2.html https://burlingtonnews.net/giants3.html A lot of people consider boxers/fighters to be "morons" or "idiots." Muhammad Ali was a thoughtful and present soul. He made great points concerning race as a natural function and didn't apologize for having those views—despite the apologist "moron" conducting the interview. 2nd Axiom - It is no crime to love your own race. It is natural to want to be with your own. While it is true that culture is made across racial lines, culture is also a product of each race, respectively. Each race has significant cultural expressions in art, music, literature, film, technological development and advancement, etc., which belong solely to that race. "Genius" is a phenomena that arises in every race. It is also persecuted, crucified and discriminated against within every race. Hollywood via Tavistock, CIA, etc., and the Satanic funded and directed "music business" and various "political movements" have successfully induced a distinct mass-multiracial culture of degeneracy, promiscuity, behavioral animalism and hedonistic materialist externalism away from personal inner mind/self-development toward an addiction riddled collective—hyper-focused on sense-gratification 'aka' the pleasure-principle. It is also in this mass-man that you will find "programmed" world views having rigid beliefs of radicalism, anti-traditional values, hyper focuses on race, racism and self-destruction as a means to an end—as well the abhorrent attitude of assimilation of all who oppose this prepackaged and pre-programmed ideology. It resorts to violence when its "way" is obstructed. Nothing is more apparent regarding a self-murdered human than the act of self-mutilation. The self-murdered have no problem with murdering others to suit the lack of a self. As within, so without. Therefore, it is imperative that to create any culture, which is the sum total of a race or civilization's expressive creative drives, each individual within that structure either increases or lessens the artistic value of said race or civilization based on their input to (giving) and output of (receiving) what is created. If the culture is degenerate, than those who gave to it were firstly so. If the culture is advanced, inspiring, uplifting, virtuous and moral, it is also because those who gave to it were as well. In our current overthrown mind controlled system of "TOP-DOWN" enforcement of CULT-ure , which seeks a world-wide domination and total adherence to survive its critics, race itself must be eliminated. Whichever tools of a race are most likely to assist in that elimination will be the machinery that powers its locomotive agency. Therefore, western nations have been chosen and usurped in order to power the engines of homogenization and racial disintegration toward a one-world ideal of Utopia. This view is opposite of the view of mysticism, which anyone with a clear takeaway knows that true brotherhood/sisterhood will only come through the process of individuation to eventually attain Universality (genius or maximized self-actualization). One seeks to take man backward to his noetic darkness, the other to lift his fellow man up to the high heavens of inspiration. One divides to achieve, the other unites. One path is death, the other - life. 3rd Axiom - Each race creates for itself giving its unique culture an identity. A nation of races creating collectively gives rise to the culture of a civilization. The good or bad of any civilization is equal to the sum total of its parts. What if we were to invert a picture of a so-called black man and a white man? What would we see? You tell me. Enter division. Thanks to science and its "Taxonomic ranking system," the art of dividing the world into sub-parts, domains, kingdoms, phylums, classes, orders, families, genuses, species, strains, conditions, measurements, etc., has broken the whole of the universe down into a mesh of nuts and bolts, parts and particles. It is this mindset that also gave rise to Eugenics, survival of the fittest, the hyper focus on race and indeed, the very racism that now confronts civilization today. Darwin is the father of such racial focuses. My only question, why is his view still taught in most universities around the world? Let's define race from the 1828 Webster Dictionary: Race, noun [Latin radix and radius having the same original. This word coincides in origin with rod, ray, radiate, etc.] 1. The lineage of a family, or continued series of descendants from a parent who is called the stock. A race is the series of descendants indefinitely. Thus all mankind are called the race of Adam; the Israelites are of the race of Abraham and Jacob. 2. A generation; a family of descendants. A race of youthful and unhandled colts. In other words, RACE is divided light. All races are rays of light radiating a unique color all its own. If man is Light, why the focus on division? The color spectrum, if charted as a pie and spun on a pinwheel produces white. Are we really all white? Is everything all white? Why? Here is the definition of race today - 2023 (Merriam-Webster): 1. : any one of the groups that humans are often DIVIDED into based on physical traits regarded as common among people of shared ancestry. 2. : a group of people sharing a common cultural, geographical, linguistic, or religious origin or background The etymology and definitions of 'race' today, fail to mention this distinction of race being radiance, rays or otherwise. Again, WHY? Walter Russell stated that God could be expressed as a uniformly blank white or black canvas. So in essence, God is both the black of space, and the white Light of mind, which is invisible (inverted) to our senses (one and the same). Masons anyone? Chess? Is this why the cabal focuses so heavily on pitting whites against blacks? In truth, no race is wholly black nor white—rather, shades in-between. 4th Axiom - If it divides man, what good is it? Matt Presti Authentic | Inspiring | Original For your deep consideration. Your soul or conscience is ALWAYS whispering. Do you hear it? Have you tried writing down what it says? It wants to communicate through your body. It doesn't reside in your body, but focuses through it. What is it saying to you? Stop and listen. Be still and quiet. That's when you'll hear it. Write down its whisperings. Be amazed at what you've written. The sheer beauty of a soul is not in the words, but in their meaning. What they convey is dependent on the inspiration with which you have written them. This is soul therapy. Talking with your soul is the highest form of communication. Your brain has all kinds of worries, fears, questions and concerns. Your soul has endurance, love, answers and contentment. It is delighted when listened to. It wants to be heard. The soul says "hear me." Will you listen? In a word, I say come. Be with me here, and now. I am your conscience. I am the real, before time and still. One, made two before you. Put me together and here I am. With you, here and now. Forever being. Real. Alive. Before action, rest. Before decision, thought. Before thought, the known. I know therefor I am. Soul, the conscience. Ever present, as a cool flowing spring, peacefully, eternal. Calm, gentle, serene, as the twilight before dawn, and dusk. What is my word? Silence. What is my deed? Love. I have all the gifts to give you if you will but listen to me. The whole of all parts, the beginning, and the end. I will give the secrets of the garden green, the most precious life supreme. Words. Words may they play, dancing between worlds on threads of gold. Whereby should they come from me, they live long and grow ancient, old. Having but only seen me once, it is enough to embrace by day. No night may come about harshly, for I alone, Light the way. I am your conscience. I am your soul. May all bitter enemies bring their swords to unsheathe wrath and fury. I am not the least moved for I am immovable, immaculate. None may cut nor tear me asunder. Ill-begotten deeds, they go before me, after, seeding the world with discontent and troubles. Doubt leaves long trails. Suffering doubles. I clear the brush, and remove all obstacles from thy path. I tear away the wood, the rock and stone. I am destroyer of worlds, resurrected I create. Stars of the night and sunlight by day. No man can best me, for I am idea, made flesh through my sculpted clay—fashioning whatever I may. No beast whose strength be mighty, may force even an ounce of say, for I order the Universe and it obeys. Man is but a mirage waiting to be seen in new Light. His love for Me has not yet born him anew, today. Tomorrow is in him, seeded as a sapling, yet to grow mighty into full display. Eons come and pass. Yet here I am, whispering. "Man, have you heard? Do you see.? I am patiently waiting. Waiting. Waiting." The conscience speaks. Will you listen? Will you hear? The soul appears. Will you look? Will you see? The single eye perceives the cosmos. The single ear hears faint and far. I am myth, story, and legend. The father/mother of every star. What am I saying? What am I telling you? Are these simply the meanderings of a madman? The Rosetta (key) stone is not a real stone. It is a way of seeing that allows you to open the heavens within yourself. And you still think you need a teacher? A school? A mentor? A life coach? A course in miracles? A podcast? All you need is YOU. A commitment to open the doors of your own perception. Let God through Nature be your teacher. And all the learning in the Universe becomes your learning. All the knowing a man could want awaits. Every question voided by the answer within your heart, instant, timeless, now! Then you come back to the world. Back to this place. But you bring something special with you. A something of non-material form. A power. A true IN-sight like a Lighthouse in the dark of a raging storm. You are unsinkable in the face of every earth-born obstacle or threat. Your powers grow quickly, for every task and work you survey, you are worthy of them all. You become the central mountain—everywhere you go, oversoul to the powers of earth, water, fire and wind. You are the void and eternal undying white flame of heaven whose brilliance knows no opposite of itself. The spirit of awakened man whose immortal sun shines through him as a comet soaring the cosmos unhindered and unchained. You walk in the world, and yet are no part of it. Power. That is real power. Not this material minded farce of assumed control over circumstances or others. But power of the "self" expressed—as it was designed to be expressed. Creator. Artist. Maker of lasting things. Mighty in each day, every minute, all seconds. A first. An undying, everlasting, unending moment is all yours. Do with it what ye may. Desire what ye will. Act and build your will. Behold it. Share it. Change the world forever. We’ve but barely begun to tap the hidden power of our minds. Beyond all that man knows, Mind (God) is there ready to give him all for his asking. All knowledge is his. He need only desire it. Think the question inward toward the conscience, toward the soul, and God will mirror the answer back in Light. Until man learns to trust in his abilities, which at his present moment of unfoldment, seem to be but superpowers for some race that long ago left the earth or has yet to come, he will never begin to tap the wellspring of power that lies dormant in his heart, waiting, ever waiting. Matt PrestiConscience | Spirit | Soul
Welcome to Episode 7 of The Exploration of Consciousness (TEC) Podcast, with host Matt Presti.
Matt welcomes John "Jake" Klyczek to the show to discuss his book "School World Order." We discuss many topics in the book as well as his mentor Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt and her seminal work "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America." Other topics include, Martial Arts, Hegel's dialectic, Skull and Bones, Secret Societies and the Germanic/British influence on American Institutions, Pavlovian/Skinnerian conditioning and workforce training (B.F. Skinner, Harvard Utopian Psychologist), human conditioning through computers, data, algorithms, neural stimulus and biofeedback, systemized operant conditioning, public/private sector/charter school involvement, WEF, Bilderberg, protections and solutions through a focus on consciousness, and application of the classical style of learning otherwise known as the trivium (and quadrivium). John's Website - https://www.schoolworldorder.info/ Order John's Book - https://trineday.com/collections/all-products/products/school-world-order Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/School-World-Order-Technocracy-Globalization/dp/1634241967 Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt - https://deliberatedumbingdown.com/ddd/ American Deception - http://americandeception.com/ad/ Trivium Education - http://www.triviumeducation.com/ Matt Presti - http://MattPresti.com Matt Presti
Podcaster | Student | Teacher To Know Your Enemy, Know Yourself. To know the plans that could potentially enslave you and your children/grandchildren is your duty as a parent imho. Seeing what is coming IS taking responsibility. However, it should never limit your abilities to alter not only your own life toward fulfillment of your soul's desire, but also make safe that gift to your progeny and so on. Why can't we do both? When a country, state, city, community or family unit lets down its guard, the predators always come. It is wise to be vigilant. I've never met a vigilant man who regretted being vigilant. Only ones who were not. Practical spirituality is a daily practice. Like anything else, it keeps those things you love safe by keeping your mind sharp. Knowing is Power. To defend against the tiger in the long grass, you must first learn to hunt like the tiger in the long grass. The more you learn, the less you will be hunted. They are directly proportional. It has been said a million times over, that each man is his own worst enemy. Unless you know yourself, you cannot know your enemy. Herein is where the self meets the world and the world meets the self. Again, touching on the unification of opposites, the theme extends inward and out. As within, so without. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War A proof for the union of opposites, and WHY IT MATTERS. These two pictures are saying the EXACT same thing. Why? In short, the canon with which I 'd like to leave you all today is meant to conjure up in your mind, the undeniableness of the self as other—as one and the same being—only the order of the archetypes/attributes/characteristics vary in polarized extremes of one single nonjective entity—which all of us embody and are embodied in. On one extreme, you have the solipsist who thinks himself to be ALL THAT THERE IS, only his mind matters, and all other beings are actually inside of him and there is no other but he to himself, his self existing for himself alone. And then, the materialistic externalist who desires to control all other selves outside of himself with absolute and total submission through a technocratic "state as God" dictatorship where his completeness comes from the devouring of all other selves. Both are bitter enemies, and neither knows 'the other'—condemning themselves to endless turmoil and eternal suffering due to an unreachable syncretism. It is my assertion, that the solution to this conundrum lies in the middle (the narrow path), where the demarcation line of balance is to be found. Recognition of both and worship of neither. In terms of freewill, good and evil are but a matter of degrees, or variables between opposites. Thus, the marriage of opposites in alchemy, Hermeticism, and spiritual practices remains as important today as ever. Who truly knows that both heaven and hell exist within simultaneously? When doing right for the sake of right itself, balance is the sum of that equation in harmony with Nature. There is no residue left over despite the objections of the opposites. Nature will quickly confirm whether or not you chose wisely. And neither good nor evil, life nor death shall rule your temple. For only your soul may rule and command both. Matt PrestiBalancer | Leveler | Syncretist To be illumined. Let's define that. Knowledge is quite literally LIGHT. That Light is internally measurable in the way one thinks and finally acts outwardly. It's apparent in the things one builds, the way one operates and how one expresses themself. Knowledge is NOT thinking. Man can think millions of thoughts a week; that is not to be confused with having knowledge. In as such, when discussing illumined minds, these minds act directly from knowledge by thinking (through the brain) what they already know, and then manifesting that knowing through active creative work, thereby producing the image in the knowing mind here in the physical reality in which we live. Thinking (the brain) is the bridge between knowledge (mind) and appearance via action (work of the body) into the material world. Thinking takes what is known apart and reconstructs it piece by piece until the image in the knowing mind is complete. Much like a puzzle, one knows the final product, but many pieces must first be put together to complete the image. Such is the process of creating what is known by thinking it out and acting to finish the product or body of work. One who is illumined knows. One who is not, thinks. One who is illumined does not fear. One who thinks alone is generally afraid of what they do not know. One who is illumined sees further down the road (order). One who thinks doesn't know what lies ahead (chaos). One who is illumined creates. One who only thinks doesn't know how to create. Many an example may be given, but the point of this post is to IN-spire you to think inwardly toward your knowing mind which always sits idle, still and silent—ready to provide you with anything you wish to know. It is quite literally a "deep well of still water" waiting to be tapped, pumped out and expressed. All of our thinking simply gets in the way of what we already know. Thinking inwardly stills the electric brain as the inner ears start to hear, and the inner eyes begin to see. Pure awareness is the "natural state of being" practiced in many forms of meditation which became the basis of prayer. Why can a man sitting in a crowded subway hear symphonies in his silent mind while the man sitting beside him thinks only of being late to work or paying a bill on time? It matters not how much money you make, nor does it require a certain social class or level. The awareness of 'knowing mind' ultimately makes or breaks a human's being. Those who tap its potential are known to us as geniuses. Those who do not are known as mediocrities. Either state is self created, bestowed (genius) or inflicted (mediocrity). Turn thine eyes and ears inward toward the soul, and the whole vast and endless infinite universe of knowing mind at rest shall open up to you fully. Anything you desire to know shall come to you. Write that desire upon your heart at night and await the answer in the morning. The more you practice, the more you may achieve the state known as "waking meditation" or "vertical awareness." Mind is God, and to KNOW that is to be illumined with Light. And we all have a direct connection to that vast ocean and treasure, which is not of this material world, rather the ecstasy of the luminous and bountiful spirit within us all. With your SELF as teacher on the path toward inward thinking, you meet the great silence, and the whisperings within the halls of ancient wisdom open to your inner ears—the visions and vistas of the masters to your inner eyes. All the treasure mankind could ever desire, the greatest riches, which fill one's soul bank to overflowing are to be found here. The marriage of the opposites in alchemy, the great union of both sun and moon, mother and father, fire and water await discovery in the savior child born anew within the flesh (vesica-pisces), womb of creation or seed of life from which the flower of life is born. The body is thereby transformed into a temple of Light (knowledge). And the eternal soul illumines it. It must be known, that the condition of being illumined isn't a 24/7 state of being, for no human has yet achieved this state as it is in no way a form of permanence. It typically happens when one is alone, in a creative space within, and producing inspirations of the mind into the material world while immersed in one's work, whatever that may be, which is done with love, care and a reverence for life. We've each experienced this state at one time or another. However, with awareness of it, and practice, it will become more accessible with repetition over time. Like anything else, practice is required, or training if you prefer. Becoming illumined is not a race, because it can only be done internally. It really and truly is YOU as mind against you as an electrically sensing body. Do you now understand the danger of groups, mobs and collectives who in order to participate in wanton destruction must first destroy their SELF? These very things take one far away from being illumined. Every ONE is their own worst enemy it's been said. The greatest solo adventure a soul may take is not on any map, nor in any book, text or library, nor is it mandated by any religion, state, nation or government. This is why is it commonly referred to as the hero's journey, path of the fool, the narrow path, or the path least chosen. It seems quite foolish at first to deny the world, but I contend, and in fact do assert, that this is how one truly finds the "real world." "All knowledge exists. And it can be ours for the asking." ~The Message of the Divine Iliad, WBR Matt PrestiPractitioner | Of Being | Illumined |
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January 2025