To be illumined. Let's define that. Knowledge is quite literally LIGHT. That Light is internally measurable in the way one thinks and finally acts outwardly. It's apparent in the things one builds, the way one operates and how one expresses themself. Knowledge is NOT thinking. Man can think millions of thoughts a week; that is not to be confused with having knowledge. In as such, when discussing illumined minds, these minds act directly from knowledge by thinking (through the brain) what they already know, and then manifesting that knowing through active creative work, thereby producing the image in the knowing mind here in the physical reality in which we live. Thinking (the brain) is the bridge between knowledge (mind) and appearance via action (work of the body) into the material world. Thinking takes what is known apart and reconstructs it piece by piece until the image in the knowing mind is complete. Much like a puzzle, one knows the final product, but many pieces must first be put together to complete the image. Such is the process of creating what is known by thinking it out and acting to finish the product or body of work. One who is illumined knows. One who is not, thinks. One who is illumined does not fear. One who thinks alone is generally afraid of what they do not know. One who is illumined sees further down the road (order). One who thinks doesn't know what lies ahead (chaos). One who is illumined creates. One who only thinks doesn't know how to create. Many an example may be given, but the point of this post is to IN-spire you to think inwardly toward your knowing mind which always sits idle, still and silent—ready to provide you with anything you wish to know. It is quite literally a "deep well of still water" waiting to be tapped, pumped out and expressed. All of our thinking simply gets in the way of what we already know. Thinking inwardly stills the electric brain as the inner ears start to hear, and the inner eyes begin to see. Pure awareness is the "natural state of being" practiced in many forms of meditation which became the basis of prayer. Why can a man sitting in a crowded subway hear symphonies in his silent mind while the man sitting beside him thinks only of being late to work or paying a bill on time? It matters not how much money you make, nor does it require a certain social class or level. The awareness of 'knowing mind' ultimately makes or breaks a human's being. Those who tap its potential are known to us as geniuses. Those who do not are known as mediocrities. Either state is self created, bestowed (genius) or inflicted (mediocrity). Turn thine eyes and ears inward toward the soul, and the whole vast and endless infinite universe of knowing mind at rest shall open up to you fully. Anything you desire to know shall come to you. Write that desire upon your heart at night and await the answer in the morning. The more you practice, the more you may achieve the state known as "waking meditation" or "vertical awareness." Mind is God, and to KNOW that is to be illumined with Light. And we all have a direct connection to that vast ocean and treasure, which is not of this material world, rather the ecstasy of the luminous and bountiful spirit within us all. With your SELF as teacher on the path toward inward thinking, you meet the great silence, and the whisperings within the halls of ancient wisdom open to your inner ears—the visions and vistas of the masters to your inner eyes. All the treasure mankind could ever desire, the greatest riches, which fill one's soul bank to overflowing are to be found here. The marriage of the opposites in alchemy, the great union of both sun and moon, mother and father, fire and water await discovery in the savior child born anew within the flesh (vesica-pisces), womb of creation or seed of life from which the flower of life is born. The body is thereby transformed into a temple of Light (knowledge). And the eternal soul illumines it. It must be known, that the condition of being illumined isn't a 24/7 state of being, for no human has yet achieved this state as it is in no way a form of permanence. It typically happens when one is alone, in a creative space within, and producing inspirations of the mind into the material world while immersed in one's work, whatever that may be, which is done with love, care and a reverence for life. We've each experienced this state at one time or another. However, with awareness of it, and practice, it will become more accessible with repetition over time. Like anything else, practice is required, or training if you prefer. Becoming illumined is not a race, because it can only be done internally. It really and truly is YOU as mind against you as an electrically sensing body. Do you now understand the danger of groups, mobs and collectives who in order to participate in wanton destruction must first destroy their SELF? These very things take one far away from being illumined. Every ONE is their own worst enemy it's been said. The greatest solo adventure a soul may take is not on any map, nor in any book, text or library, nor is it mandated by any religion, state, nation or government. This is why is it commonly referred to as the hero's journey, path of the fool, the narrow path, or the path least chosen. It seems quite foolish at first to deny the world, but I contend, and in fact do assert, that this is how one truly finds the "real world." "All knowledge exists. And it can be ours for the asking." ~The Message of the Divine Iliad, WBR Matt PrestiPractitioner | Of Being | Illumined
Scott Beatty
7/1/2023 22:06:06
Hey Matt,
Matt Presti
11/27/2023 13:55:17
Matt Presti
11/27/2023 13:58:16
Thanks Leya!
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January 2025