Today, I give you the keys. Today, it’s your turn to drive (this should put all the self-help gurus out of business). NO MORE MIDDLEMEN! Mind. The basis of all reality. The beginning and end. Alpha and Omega. 1. Consciousness is ‘a priori’ and a.k.a. Mind/Soul/Spirit/Self. All man made items and things are evidence of man’s Mind as Cause. Mind knows, and by thinking through the brain, acts to create ALL man made items and things. I enter into evidence ALL man made items and things as exhibit 1, which qualifies as quantitative scientific empirical proof of this postulate. 2. Test of postulate #1. Think of turning on a light switch. You know from experience how to do this. In knowing, you have two options to complete this test. • Option 1. In order for the ‘light’ to exist as a perceivable physical body, which can then be electrically sensed by others (empirical reduction), your mind must think through your brain in order to take the action by controlling the arm and finger to flip on the light switch. Go ahead and flip it. Behold, the ‘light’ now shines as proof/evidence of Mind as Cause which all may ‘see.’ • Option 2. Do not flip the light switch. Mind knows that to ‘flip’ the switch, one must think and act. By not flipping the ‘light’ switch, there was no extension of Mind through the brain to complete the action of flipping the switch—therefore, no ‘light’ occurred. The thought/action was voided at the source, the Mind itself. 3. Postulate #1 was verified by the scientific method. Therefore, it is true. 4. Being Conscious of Consciousness—this is where it gets tricky. The ancient trickster (brain) strikes again. All fear, anxiety, depression, anger, upset, and imbalances of any kind extend from E-lectrical (e)-motions of brainwaves as do happiness, joy, satisfaction or calm. There is no E-motion in Mind itself. Mind is E-(c)static only. It divides by thinking through the brain and seemingly exists by acting through the body. It creates mind waves called bodies (Nature and man made) which fulfill its purpose and desire through electric cycles of motion (time). Thought as idea is a timeless notion. But thought is not physical, nor is it dimensional. Consciousness, a.k.a. Mind/Soul/Spirit/Self is pure-awareness. Pure-awareness can cause, observe, perceive and study thoughts (software). You are NOT your thoughts (software). Your Soul/Spirit/Self/Consciousness cannot become aware of itself by sensing or acting about it. One must think about WHAT is thinking in order to first notice the prime actuality. The one thinking about WHAT is thinking is the ONE your ego is searching for. This can also be referred to as getting behind your brain/motion/outer senses, arresting your thoughts, stopping your thinking, silent prayer, meditation, and the like. 5. “Mind knows. It does not learn.” ~Walter and Lao Russell. Brains learn. Electric repetitive patterns (lesson plans, teachings, job duties, behaviors, politics, laws, rules, expectations, agreements, physical experiences, etc.) are loaded like software by every externalism known to mankind, in other words, life. School, parents, academia/universities, tv, media, careers, society, governments, religions and culture are all software learned from the external world and patterned onto the brain. To attempt identification of the Soul/Self/Spirit from any method external, including but not limited to the senses, ingesting substances, joining groups, gurus, religious or occult organizations, or other modalities, will only serve to hinder such a supreme discovery/uncovery. Though some of these may be beneficial in your unfoldment, as all experience is essentially good in that regard, ultimately, the final destination is within. Only through you, by you and within YOU, can this great realization take place. 6. The Soul/Self/Spirit in man is exactly 90° to his motion body, centering him always (this is why materialist science cannot find consciousness in the brain and therefore assumes it to be an effect of the brain). The Nazarene called this the kingdom of God within man. Only through Me (awareness of the location/fulcrum/Self/Soul/Spirit/God in Man) may one come to the Father/Mother God in Man (Balance). He did not mean his physical flesh as the priesthood so gravelly mistook and corrupted these words of wisdom. This very fact remains unknown by virtually all religious modalities (materialistic science included) the world over, which hail their priesthoods as the official go between Divinity and man himself. It has also resulted in such barbarism as the eating of flesh and drinking of the blood of Christ in rituals carried on today. It’s even gone so far as to so-called holy men taking vows of poverty while attempting to rid themselves of all desire in a vain effort to appear more Godly, when in fact, a Universe without desire would be absolutely purposeless. All priesthoods depend and thrive on these ‘unknowns’ in order to survive in their current paradigm of being mid-level managers over man’s own spirit. The absolute need to place oneself (priest) between God and the Individual (Man) is laid bare when this fact is considered. To come to the Soul/Self/Spirit/Geist/God/Kingdom of Heaven within, one must turn their outer awareness vertical/90° toward inner awareness (inner eyes and inner ears). It is then and only then, that one becomes Conscious of Consciousness. It is then and only then, that one may COMMAND matter and all of its attributes. Matter will also give up its secrets once this is attained. One’s own thoughts may be intentionally crystallized at will over time/motion, and all 'wishing' retreats. Luck dies and chance ceases. The man is freed from his own excuses. Life becomes absolute in purpose and resolute in Cause. Obstacles become opportunities as enemies (physical, mental, spiritual) become friends (teachers, experiences, surmounted shadows). 7. This process may takes years and even lifetimes. It requires patience, practice and pursuit. It cannot be bought, sold, bargained, traded nor exchanged. It is not an item one may purchase off the shelf of man made things. It will not come by force, tricks, wisecracks, reason, wit nor manpower. It won’t yield, submit, surrender or concede. It will not magically appear through wishful thinking, substance ingestation, nor payments in gold or other currencies. True power does not come from any externalism whatsoever. No man, priest, pastor, reverend, guru, monk, saint, politician, parent, teacher, master, slave, human, alien, animal, plant, mineral or otherwise can give power to a man. The man who thus centers himself in alignment with Nature, with the God of Nature, centers himself in his own Divine (DIVIDE - 90°) Light of his very Soul/Spirit/Geist/God. He enters into the Kingdom—his mountaintop. He is free and powerful—as mighty as all Nature. He KNOWS. He asks and he receives. His true power is unlike any force of man, for he IS FORCE ITSELF. HE BECOMES THE FULCRUM, THE STILLNESS, THE SILENCE. HE IS TIMELESS—IMMORTAL. HE KNOWS HIS POWER AND PURPOSE—HE LIVES WITH INTENT AND COMMANDS HIS BODY TO FULFILL HIS PURPOSE. HE IS ONE WITHIN HIMSELF. #MIND #PURPOSE #GOVERTICAL #ALCHEMIZED #TRANSMUTED #SAVED Matt PrestiMetaAuthor | Philosopher
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