I dedicate every day of my life to seeing the global controllers and their minions suffer defeat. Warmongers, energy barons, central bankers, mass mind controllers and their ilk must be defeated ideologically. We must reach the point where no one is left who dare even listen to them—when their orders can no longer be carried out because it has become far too unpopular to follow them. This involves the skill of insight, or in other words, being able to "see further down the road." Humanity has to learn to counter their narratives lest we do the work for them of destroying ourselves and handing them this precious world unopposed—to remake in their sick, twisted and perverted way. To do so, we must create ideas greater than their ideas. The world of mind creates the physical world, which itself is made from idea. God's one idea is NATURE—the Universe. Man's ideas are all things man-made. This includes his wars, his religions, his philosophies, his sciences and his evils. He whose ideas are aligned with Nature holds balance as his standard. He whose ideas do not - destruction. We freely choose whose ideals we align with, and so becomes our reality. I know to whom my ideals align. Do you? You are also an idea, that is to say you make (or break) yourself and become what you think of your own self. Together, we think civilization into or out of existence with each thought and choice we make. Culture also waxes or wanes according to our very thinking. If we are to uplift the world culture, we must uplift ourselves first as individuals, which then uplifts the world collectively—beginning in your own home. When the multitudes achieve balance within, the world of man will achieve balance without. That is the order in which we succeed. No army, crowd or mob will ever achieve balance—only destruction. I will never give up on my own dream, that within my lifetime I will see defeat come to these destroyers of civilization, these wretched twisted miscreants of perdition to whom we give authority to commit atrocities. That through the causes that I and others have taken upon ourselves, to do good and right works unto our fellow man, we will know before we die that we left a world worth living in for the future generations of children, both born and unborn—to inherit from our blood, sweat and tears, a better world. So many of us want to give and leave future humanity a decent world. An ideal world where love is the highest standard—one worthy of living in. The real world work that each of us performs daily determines if that world is to be or not to be. It's up to you to decide what to do with this moment and every moment to come. Make it worth it, so that when your time does come, you will know you did your best to leave this world a better place. Music - Jakob, Magna Carta and God Is An Astronaut, Point Pleasant Matt Presti Author | Conveyor | Writer
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January 2025